
           雲 林 縣 西 拓 藝 術 協 會                

2005年  醞釀期,西螺鎮土生土長留日藝術家回鄉尋找藝術平台。
2006年  3月25日協會立案通過。凝聚了很多在地力量。
2006年  與2007年各遴選五位藝術家進駐兵營。沒有資金嘗試運用公眾力量協助藝術家。
2009年  起保存協會頭銜,成立初期的願景現由各式民眾接棒展開。

西拓藝術協會 簡稱西藝 暱稱蜥蜴
會址:64850 雲林縣西螺鎮中山路221號五樓(彰化銀行樓上)


This Association, known as S.T.ART, was founded in 2005 with the idea of building are art society in western central Taiwan.
The founding members located the abandoned army camp which became one of the first projects.
There are many other art events and projects organized by S.T.ART in 2006 and to the present.
In 2006 and 2007, there was an Artist in Residence program based at the army camp. Five artists came each year by selection for one to two months. The artists volunteered their time, as do all others associated with the projects of S.T.ART. The idea is for all who are interested to give and share and to help each other.
Beginning in 2007, after the residency program, the program shifted to a balance of environment and art and the integration of the two.
While some founding artists moved on, many new people joined the evolving direction of the earth house and moon lectures and other work associated with the army camp.
The goal remains to invite more and more people to this vital and beautiful area and to enjoy work and art together.